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Saturday, February 7, 2009

Over the Edge of the World

My latest grown up book that is not craft related is Over the Edge of the World, which is about Magellan's trip around the world.

I think back to learning about Magellan in elementary school and I do not think I really learned much about him other than that he was Portuguese and sailed for Spain, which did not make much sense at the time.

Now, as I read this book, I keep thinking it would make a really good movie or mini-series. It is hard to believe that Magellan is the name remembered so well when he managed to get himself killed in the Phillipines, had a ship mutiny and head back to Spain, and did various things that were rather questionable, even for the day.

I always like to read more about the people whose names are well known for famous events. I usually discover that they are rather flawed individuals. This can make one disappointed, or make one realize that even the flawed can do great things.

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